To: | Chief Human Resource Officers and Agency TLAM Contacts |
From: | SSC TLAM Team |
Area: | Time and Labor and Absence Management |
Reason: | TLAM Schedule Changes |
Date: | June 14, 2021 |
Re: | TLAM Activity Updates due to Upcoming Holidays |
The TLAM activities calendar has been updated and posted to the SSC Website and to the SSC Documents folder, located in Human Resource Services > Shared Services Information > SSC Documents. For your convenience, a copy of the calendar has been attached for quick access. We would like to bring to your attention a change to the regular TLAM processes due to the upcoming holidays. Juneteenth, observation on Friday, June 18: Calendar Processes – Wage Day 1 and 2: Notifications: Unpaid Hours will be processed on Monday, June 21st. No other processes will be affected. . July 4th, observation on Monday, July 5: Calendar Processes – Wage Day 1 and 2: Notifications: Unpaid Hours will be processed on Friday, July 2nd. No other processes will be affected.
Please contact SSCHRO_HRMS with any questions or concerns. Thank you!