Reminder: Emergency Purchases Protocol

To:                 Management Council Members; VPs of Finance; All eVA End Users

From:            Shared Services Center

Area:             Procurement

Date:             January 6, 2024

Reason:        Reminder: Emergency Purchases Protocol

Dear Colleges,

As several colleges are experiencing severe weather conditions, which are occurring throughout the Commonwealth, it's crucial to remember our Emergency Purchases protocol:

Definition of Emergency: An emergency is a serious, urgent situation requiring immediate action to protect personal safety or property.

Authority: End-users can make purchases without following standard procedures in emergencies.

Emergency Purchases Procedure:

Please review the Emergency Purchases procedure for details (Tip: Use your Microsoft or your myVCCS or my(College) credentials to log into the content library to access the training if you are not already signed-in elsewhere.)

In addition, please attach the Governor’s Emergency Declaration (attached) to your Confirming Purchase Requisition when you submit it in eVA. It may also be helpful to include the declaration when seeking approval from your College President, or their Designee, prior to your submission in eVA.

Other Key Steps:

Competition: Strive for competition in emergency purchases

Price Negotiation: Ensure fair pricing and document the process

Prompt Purchase Order: Issue a Confirming Order in eVA

Written Determination: Prepare and submit a written determination explaining the emergency and vendor choice for review and approval

Being familiar with this process helps us act swiftly and responsibly in urgent situations. The Customer Engagement team is available to assist you with any questions Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. by emailing or calling 877-340-5577.

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