To: VPs of Finance, Business Managers, eVA End Users, and Contract Administrators
From: Shared Services Center
Area: Procurement Purchasing and Contracts
Reason: Procedure Publication: Purchasing and Contracts
Date: February 12, 2024
We are excited to let you know that the Shared Services Center (SSC) is continuing with the documentation of Procurement Contracts and Purchasing processes. One new Contracts procedure, Sealed IT Invitation for Bid (IT IFB), has been published. Three previously published Purchasing procedures, Blanket Order, Emergency Purchases, and PO Print have been reviewed and updated to align with new eVA.
You’ll find a brief explanation and link to each procedure below and you can also see the full, detailed versions by visiting the SSC home page, clicking on the 'Procedures' tab, and then entering your myVCCS login credentials on the site that comes up. Please take some time to visit the Procedures page and become familiar with the growing list of resources.
The following SSC procedures have been published:
Sealed IT Invitation for Bid (IT IFB)
Competitive sealed bidding is a method for acquiring goods, printing, non-capital outlay construction and nonprofessional services for public use when the total estimated cost over the procurement horizon is over $100,000. This procedure specifically addresses IFB for IT goods and services.
A blanket order is a purchase of goods or services that uses an alternative structure for delivery. Instead of being delivered all together, the goods and services on a blanket order are delivered over a longer period, either on a fixed schedule or from time to time upon later request.
An emergency is an occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action. End-users may make purchases without adhering to standard procurement procedures when faced with an emergency where the purchase is necessary to protect personal safety and/or property.
When a vendor is not set up to receive purchase orders through eVA, it is necessary to send the purchase order manually.
Procedures are published on the SSC website as they are approved by the respective governance councils. After initial publication, procedures are reviewed annually to ensure they are current and correct. More frequent updates will also be made when changes are required.
If you have any questions, please contact the SSC Customer Engagement Team at 877-340-5577 or email