To: Management Council Members, VPs of Finance, and all eVA end-users
From: Shared Services Center
Area: Procurement
Reason: Open Order Clarification
Date: November 22, 2021
Dear Colleges,
We appreciate your efforts to work on closing your open orders per our communication below sent on October 28, 2021. Many of you have encountered challenges in getting your older orders closed and have contacted us. We have researched these issues and have met to discuss our recommendations.
The need to close orders is largely based on the inability that we will have to complete change orders on any open order that is migrated to the new eVA system at the time of conversion. Based on this risk factor, we suggest that the majority of your focus on closing orders should be on this fiscal year and any order that you know was rolled from last year. And, as a reminder you should primarily be taking action to close or cancel orders that are at a high risk of requiring a change order after we convert to the new system.
If you believe that an older order definitely needs to be closed, then please review the order status in AIS first to ensure that it’s open or that you have access and can bypass integration in eVA before making any attempts. This should minimize some of the issues you’ve been experiencing.
If you have any questions, please contact the SSC Customer Engagement team, 877-340-5577 or help.