To: Management Council Members, VPs of Finance, and all eVA end users
From: Shared Services Center
Area: Procurement
Reason: New Prepayment Approval Request Process
Date: March 9, 2021
We are excited to communicate a new process to gain approval for prepayments beyond CAPP manual allowances. We hope that this new process helps you to efficiently capture benefits for the Commonwealth with appropriate prepayments. This new process is the result of the Purchasing Process Council collaborating with the Department of Accounts (DOA). Generally, the process is as follows:
1. A vendor offers a benefit for prepayment outside of CAPP parameters
2. The College End User completes the Prepayment Approval Form in Team Dynamix
3. The form is routed directly to your college’s financial approver
4. Once approved, the form is automatically routed to DOA for approval
5. Once approved, the form is sent back to a point person at system office for IT or SSC for all others to review
6. The form is then routed back to the end user at the college
7. The College End User attaches the form to a purchase requisition to submit to the SSC for procurement
Effective immediately all prepayments outside of CAPP parameters will need to go through this process. If you have a prepayment requisition in process, the SSC Procurement Buyer may re-route the request back to you in order to leverage the new process.
We encourage you to watch the training video located on the help.