To: Management Council Members, CHROs, and Agency TLAM Contacts
From: Shared Services Center (SSC)
Area: Time, Labor, and Absence Management (TLAM)
Reason: Leave Carryover and First Accrual Issue for Prior Military Service
Date: February 14, 2024
The VCCS is aware of an issue that occurred with the Maximum Carryover Amount and the First Annual Leave accrual for employees that have Prior Military Service. The SSC and System Office ITS are working together to assess the affected population and provide a resolution.
Issue: When the Employee State/Military Data page was built, New Leave Year processes were not considered. Therefore, the system (calendar build) and queries did not recognize the Leave Service Date on the Employee State/Military Data page. The calendar and queries incorrectly used the Benefits Service Date from Job Data to calculate the Carryover and first Annual Leave accrual. These calculated at the low rate for the 12/25/23 – 1/9/24 processing period. We have confirmed that subsequent processing periods are correctly calculating the semi-monthly accrual based on the Leave Service Date at the higher rate.
The SSC will notify you when the resolution is available and of any required adjustments. Thank you for your patience as we work diligently to address these issues.
Please share this information with all appropriate parties and contact if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,