Travel & Expense

The Travel & Expense Team consists of two specialists and a Travel & Expense Lead who service travelers from the 23 colleges, the Systems Office, and the SSC.  It is our mission to focus on reimbursing travelers in a timely manner while enforcing regulatory compliance, reducing costs, and continuously improving travel operations and processes.

Creating and Submitting a Pre-Approvals and Expense Reports (PowerPoint)

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Recent Travel & Expense Communications:     Travel & Expense Communications Archive


Quick Links:

CAPP Topics 20335 & 20336 and VCCS Travel Policies, Procedures, and Regulations:  Use to review CAPP and VCCS travel standards, policies, and regulations.

DGS – OFMS Trip Calculator: Use to calculate cost beneficial analysis (cost comparison of rental vehicle vs. personal vehicle).

Federal GSA Per Diem Calculator or GSA Per Diem Rates: Use to determine the applicable GSA rates based on the physical lodging location.

FedRooms - GSA: Use to find compliant hotel rooms for travelers while on official State business.

Proration Calculator: Use to prorate lodging tax/fees.

Travel & Expense FAQ

Travel & Expense Reporting Dashboard: The Travel & Expense Reporting Dashboard is an interactive tool that answers two questions:

  • How old are the submitted Expense Reports in Chrome River?
  • How long have the submitted Expense Reports been in each approval role?

Travel Training Materials: Instructional guides and helpful information to aid in the creation of Chrome River reports and other pertinent travel topics.  (MyVCCS login required)

UDS Foreign Per Diem Rates: Use to determine the applicable international GSA rates.

USPS Zip Code Verification Tool: Use to verify the physical lodging location.

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