To: Management Council Members, VPs of Finance, CHROs, and ATS Contacts
From: Shared Services Center
Area: HR Operations - Applicant Tracking System (ATS) team
Reason: Demo & Training Sessions: New PeopleAdmin Pay Action, Supervisor Update, and Budget Change Tools
Date: January 29, 2025
The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) team at the Shared Services Center is pleased to announce the rollout of three new tools on February 1, 2025. These enhancements in PeopleAdmin will automate and streamline your request and approval processes for:
- Pay actions such as IBAs, temporary pay, bonuses, reductions in pay, etc.
- Supervisor updates
- Position budget changes
We will be hosting training sessions to introduce these new processes. The training is intended for College HR, Recruiters, and Classification & Compensation professionals, but anyone responsible for initiating these actions is welcome to join. The session will last approximately 60 minutes and will be available on three different days and times to accommodate various schedules.
See your email for Zoom information. Please copy and paste your preferred session and the provided Zoom link into your Outlook calendar so you can join on the day of the training. Thank you!