To: College Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) Program Administrators; College SPCC Backup Program Administrators, and College Procurement Liaisons
Cc: SSC Management Council Members
From: Shared Services Center
Area: Procurement
Reason: PCard Compliance Training
Date: February 10, 2025
Dear Colleges,
On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, we introduced our new Procurement Balanced Scorecard, which includes our new Procurement PCard Metric. In support of our collective efforts to improve PCard compliance, we are pleased to announce the availability of PCard training for College Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) Program Administrators, College SPCC Backup Program Administrators, and College Procurement Liaisons.
The following 1-hour sessions will cover the same information, so please register for the one that best fits your schedule. Check your email for Zoom links. A calendar invitation that includes a link to join the session will be sent to you once you register:
Wednesday, February 26, 1 - 2pm
Thursday, February 27, 11 a.m. - 12pm
Please contact SSC Customer Engagement at 877-340-5577 or with any questions.