Leave Liability Report – Quarterly review

To:                Management Council Members, CHROs, and Agency TLAM Contacts

From:           Shared Services Center (SSC)

Area:            Time, Labor, and Absence Management (TLAM)

Reason:       Leave Liability Report – Quarterly review

Date:            April 1, 2024

The Leave Liability Report for Q3 of FY24, using the 03/24 EN1 Calendar Group, has been posted to your agency’s college folder on the VCCS SharePoint site. Reviewing these reports quarterly will aid in identifying irregularities in employee benefit service dates within HCM. Incorrect calculations of the benefits service date will result in wrong accrual rates. Please coordinate with your H2R Technician if any VCCS HCM data changes are needed, more specifically anything related to EMPL Class, Service Dates, position data, and/or funding data.

Please note that the calculations within the report are based on the FY2023 year-end employee distribution percentages provided by DOA to finalize FY2023. Once we approach year-end for FY2024, the calculations within the report will be updated for final year-end submission. Attached is a copy of the column definitions and calculations.

Agencies may use the VX_AM_TAKES_NOT_PROCESSED query to identify any absence requests that have not been processed. Guidance can be found in the Leave Liability Report Instructions document but please remember, the examples provided reference the 6/24 EN1, so ensure you are using the correct Entitlement Calendar for the quarter you are reviewing (9/24, 12/24, 3/24, 6/24).

Agencies may also use the VX_HR_LEAVE_LIAB_QRY query to validate employees’ absence balances and make any necessary corrections in HCM before the next quarter. For additional information, see the document, Producing the Leave Liability Query, located on VCCS SharePoint. Again, please ensure you are using the correct Entitlement Calendar for the quarter you are reviewing (9/24, 12/24, 3/24, 6/24).

Please distribute this information to all appropriate parties.

If you have any questions, please contact us at SSCHRO_HRMS@ssc.vccs.edu

Thank you,


Leave Liability Report 2023 Updates

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